What EVENTS did I miss?
SATURDAY, January 10th - 7:00 PM
Meet at CLM for a time of renew"ing" with Doug Diehl.
SUNDAY, January 11th - 12:30 PM
Sunday Lunch at Oma's, 1118 East North St., Rapid City
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, January 16th & 17th
Youth & Family Services Dinner Theatre. This is an opportunity for us to give back to the community through volunteering to serve, greet, and clean up during and after the Dinner Theatre. Space is limited so contact Darcie 342 - 6177 if you are interested, as soon as possible.
SATURDAY, January 24th - 7:00 PM
Meet at CLM for more renew"ing" with Jim and Pat Sorum.
SATURDAY, January 31st - 6:00 PM
Rescheduled Christmas Banquet at Camp Judson, Keystone, SD. We have added overnight accommodations for those who would like to stay. The banquet is $16 & overnight is $12. Please verify your attendance with Laurel ASAP. 545 - 4852. There will be a fund raiser for Living Hope Academy, which is a K - 6 private Christian school. The staff is working without pay and can use financial assistance!!
SATURDAY, February 7th - 5:30 PM
Meet at the Rushmore Mall Food Court for din"ing". Stock Show Rodeo begins at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $14.50 each for the rodeo. Space is limited. Contact Jackie 391 - 6407 if interested, as soon as possible.
SATURDAY, February 14th - 7:00 PM
Meet at CLM for an entertain"ing" evening of fun and fellowship featur"ing" Gwen Beacheon. Come and celebrate Valentine's Day with friends.
SUNDAY, February 15th - 12:30 PM
Sunday Lunch at Arnold's Diner, 1940 Lacrosse St., Rapid City
SATURDAY, February 21st - 7:00 PM
Meet at CLM for a study of lov"ing" and/or communicat"ing" with Bob Cole.
SATURDAY, February 28th - 7:00 PM
Meet at CLM for another study on lov"ing" and/or communicat"ing" with Dr.s Joe and Elizabeth Kieffer.
SATURDAY, March 7th - 6:00 PM
SATURDAY, March 14th - 7:00 PM
Coffee House at Black Hills Bagels, 913 Mt. Rushmore Rd., Rapid City, SD featur"ing" Walter Jones. $1.00 cover charge plus a free will offering to be taken.
SUNDAY, March 15th - 12:30 PM
Sunday Lunch at Golden Corral, 1180 N. Lacrosse St., Rapid City
SATURDAY, March 21st - 7:00 PM
Meet at CLM for a study by Greg Blanc. Our theme is ris"ing".
SATURDAY, March 28th - 7:00 PM
continu"ing" with Greg Blanc at CLM.
SATURDAY, April 4, 7 pm
Life Study at CLM with Ruth and Jim Dotson discuss"ing" plant"ing".
SUNDAY, April 12
SATURDAY, April 18, 7 pm
Christian Comedian Video @ CLM. Come join us for an even"ing" of plant"ing" laughter in our hearts. Popcorn will be served.
SATURDAY, April 25, 7 pm
Coffee House with Mark Theissen @ Black Hills Bagels, 913 Mount Rushmore Road, $1.00 cover charge and free-will offer"ing" to be taken.
SUNDAY, April 26, 12:30 pm
Join us at Golden Phoenix, 2421 W. Main, RC, for their buffet.
SATURDAY, May 2, 7 pm
Life Study at CLM with Jim and Pat Sorum discuss"ing" bloom"ing".
SATURDAY, May 9, 5:30 pm
Potluck at CLM with an even"ing" of pictures and shar"ing" by Bill Pashby regard"ing" his missions trip to Africa.
FRIDAY - SUNDAY, May 15 - 17
Greg Laurie Harvest Crusade at the Rapid City Civic Center. Plan to bring a friend to this great outreach. Volunteers are needed as well.
SUNDAY, May 17, 12:30 pm
Sunday Lunch at Godfather's Pizza, 110 N. Campbell, Suite A, RC
FRIDAY - MONDAY, May 22 - 25
Memorial Day weekend. No SNA activities. Glacier Singles' Retreat with Greg Blanc as the speaker. Contact Craig (605) 348-2258 for more information, or go to montanasinglesadvance.org.
SATURDAY, May 30, 7 pm
Nostalgia Games and Volleyball at North Point Center, 1202 North Maple, RC Join us for an even"ing" of games remembered from our childhood. Bring a favorite snack from your childhood to share (if they are still available!!)
SATURDAY, June 6, 7 pm
Life Study at CLM with Sherri T. present"ing" God's Design for Play. Learn fun ways to express God's love & joy through play.
FRIDAY, June 12, 6 pm
RELAY FOR LIFE at Sioux Park Track. Join us to walk for LIFE. This is a fund raiser for the fight against cancer. Contact Darcie (605) 342-6177 for more information.
ALPINE INN Meet at the Mt. Rushmore Rd. Safeway at 4 pm to car pool to Hill City to eat at the Alpine Inn at 5 pm. RSVP to Jackie (605)391-6407 no later than June 6th.
SATURDAY, June 20, Noon - 4 pm
Help out the community. Build a Park. The Vickie Powers Memorial Park, to be located north of Best Buy, needs a group of volunteers to help in any way possible with building this new community park. Meet at the corner of Haines and Kathryn Ave. to help out. Contact Darcie (605) 342-6177 for more information and/or sign up Details at vppark.com.
SATURDAY, June 27, 5:30 pm
Picnic at Old Story Book Island Park. Bring food to share. Always a great way to enjoy the great outdoors with food, fun and fellowship!
SATURDAY, July 4th
6 pm for supper or 8 pm to view the fireworks. Meet at Memorial Park fountain and enjoy the Heritage Festival. Contact Laurel @ 545-4852 for more info.
THURSDAY, July 9, 6 pm
for supper and the Abbey Road band. Downtown Rapid City - Summer Nights!! To meet, contact Darcie @ 209-6677.
SATURDAY and SUNDAY, July 18 & 19
Hills Alive, look for the yellow flag to find Saturday Night Alive Singles.
SATURDAY, July 25, 6 PM
Potluck Picnic at Robyn's. Bring food to share, your own chair, and your Bible. We will have a short devotional for the soul! For directions, call Robyn @ 342-0613.
FRIDAY thru SUNDAY, August 7 - 9
Niobrara Tubing Trip. Preregistration was already required. If interested, there may still be tubes available. Contact Jackie @ 391-6407.
SATURDAY, August 15, 6:30 pm
Cobs and Dogs! Corn on the cob along with brats & hot dogs will be served at Darcie's. For more information, call 209-6677.
SATURDAY, August 22, 6 pm
Going to the Central States' Fair. Meet at the McDonald's free stage and we will eat and explore the Fair! Cream Puff's anyone?
SATURDAY, September 5, 6 pm
End of Summer BBQ, Meet @ South Canyon Baptist Church, 3333 W. Chicago St., RC for car pooling to Deb's. RSVP 342-6431. 209-6677
SATURDAY, September 12, 6 pm
for PIZZA. Bible Fellowship Church, 1212 E. Fairmont Blvd, Rapid City. This will be our introduction to the book studies (see page 2 of September newsletter) called "U.B.Long." Come see what God has in mind for you.
FRIDAY, September 18, 6 pm
City Wide Singles' Gathering @ Calvary Chapel parking lot, 320 E. St. Patrick, Rapid City. The band "Dogs Without Sweaters" will be performing. A food vendor will be available.
SATURDAY, September 19, 7 pm
Lenny's Game Night. Meet @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 North Plaza Blvd., Rapid City. Bring games to share and determination to have a good time.
SATURDAY, September 26, 6:30 pm
"U.B.Long", Bible Fellowship Church, Rapid City. Book studies get started. "Wild At Heart" and "Who Calls Me Beautiful".
SATURDAY, October 3, 1 pm
Hike the "Swiss Cheese" Rock formation. We will meet at Safeway on Mt. Rushmore Rd. to carpool. A fun, easy, and relatively short hike for all to enjoy.
FRIDAY-SUNDAY, October 9-11
Fall Retreat at Kamp Kinship. Register soon for a time of Relaxing, Refreshing, and Renewing!! Only $75.00 if you register by Sept. 15th.
SATURDAY, October 17, 6:30 pm
"U.B. Long" book studies continue at Bible Fellowship Church, 1212 E. Fairmont Blvd. Something for everyone!
SATURDAY, October 24, 7 pm
Fine Arts presentation at Christian Life Ministries. 1948 North Plaza Blvd., Rapid City. Come check out this unique blend of talent and giftedness presented in a way that honors God.
SATURDAY, October 31, 6:30 pm
"U.B. Long", Bible Fellowship Church. Book studies continue. If you aren't plugged in to the group studies, that's OK, we have a small group just for you.
SATURDAY, November 7, 7 pm
Coffee House @ Alternative Fuel Coffee House, 620 Main St., Ken Verheecke, a well-known Christian acoustic guitarist will be performing. The cover charge is $2.00 and a free will offering will be taken to help defray Ken's costs. Please come and be blessed by this wonderful artist and the fellowship of other Christians.
SUNDAY, November 8, 12:30 pm
Sunday Lunch at Hunan's, 1720 Mt. Rushmore Rd.
SATURDAY, November 14, 6:30 pm
"U.B. Long", Bible Fellowship Church. "Wild At Heart" and "Who Calls Me Beautiful" book studies continue.
SATURDAY, November 21, 6:30 pm
"U.B. Long", Bible Fellowship Church. Book studies and fellowship.
SATURDAY, November 28
Parade of Lights, downtown RC. Meet a half hour before the parade starts in front of Alternative Fuel, 620 Main St. A fun event to watch together.
SATURDAY, December 5, 7:30 pm
The School of Mines Concert (which includes singing and instruments) will be held at Calvary Lutheran Church from 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Contact Darcie at 605-342-6177 if interested.
FRiDAY, December 11, 5:15 pm
Rainbow Bible Ranch "Living Nativity". Those interested will be meeting at 5:15 pm at the upper corner of the Kmart parking lot to car pool to this unique view of Jesus in a stable. Free, but please bring a snack to share at the Ranch. Contact Jackie for more information @ 605-391-6407.
SAT-Sun, December 12-13
Christmas at the Capitol. Anyone interested in going to Pierre to view the Christmas trees at the capitol building (which includes free pie!!), contact Jackie @ 605-391-6407. There will be some staying overnight on Saturday but there is the option, maybe to come back Saturday evening, too.
friDAY, December 18, 7 pm
Open Bible Musical "Christmas Carol" will be performed at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (at Open Bible Church). If interested, contact Darcie @ 605-342-6177.
thursDAY, December 31, 7:30 pm
New Year's Eve Party @ Darcie's from 7:30 pm - 12:30 am. Bring snacks to share and games. If interested, contact Darcie @ 605-324-6177.
What about 2010?
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