What EVENTS did I miss?



Friday, Jan. 13 @ 6:00pm

Coffee House is back!! Sandwich Shop on 2nd, 201 Main Street, Rapid City, is the venue. Singer KC will be our entertainment for the evening. KC is a great singer/worship musician and song leader. The entrance fee is $3.00 since we will be paying rent for using the facility. The Sandwich Shop’s usual great food will be available for purchase as well. A free will offering will be taken for our entertainment. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. We are excited to offer this once more.

Saturday, Jan. 21 @ 6:00pm

Potluck and Healing Prayer Event at Darcie’s. Healing Prayer is a ministry based on the healing power of receiving truth from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Pastors Brett and Linda Hilgemann from Freedom Church will be our facilitators. Romans 12:2 tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind and this is what happens in a Healing Prayer session. Christ’s transforming truth is received through prayer. Please bring a dish to share, a friend or two, your Bibles and a willingness to hear God’s truth in your heart and life. For more information and/or directions, please call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460.

Saturday, Feb. 11 @ 5:30pm

Valentines’ Party @ Bible Fellowship Church, 1212 E. Fairmont Blvd., Rapid City. Valentines’ Day is a great time to celebrate the love our Lord Jesus has for us and the love we have for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Please join us in a time of fun, food and fellowship. Qdoba’s will be our caterer. We will provide devotions, activities and a great time of fellowship. Cost is $16.00 per person. Reservations and payment must be made no later than February 5th to Laurel @ 545-4852(605)545-4852 or Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677. Come celebrate Valentines’ together.

Saturday, Feb. 18 @ 6:00pm

Potluck and Bible Study @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. We will be meeting to eat together and Bob Hayford will then be leading our Bible Study. Bob has led several Bible Studies and other studies in the past and has such a heart for the Lord and for SNA. It is always good to have him share with us. Please bring a dish to share, a friend or two, your Bibles and a willingness to learn and fellowship. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460.

Community Service Event Friday-Saturday, February 24-25, 2017

Diamonds and Denim Dinner Theatre is a fund raiser for Youth and Family Services in Rapid City. Darcie is an important employee of this company and is the person to contact if you are interested in volunteering to help out either Friday or Saturday. It is hard work, but the help is sooo appreciated. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677.

Saturday, March 4 @ 6:00PM

Potluck and Bible Study led by Mitch Hildebrant, previously from Africa and from KSLT, now pastor here in the Black Hills area. You may remember him as the very sick missionary KSLT asked everyone to pray for while he was in Africa. We will be meeting at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Please bring a dish to share, your Bibles, and a friend or two. What a great evening to eat together, to study God’s Word and to hear some great sharing. For more information and/or directions, please call Laurel @545-4852(605)545-4852.

Saturday, March 18 @ 6:00PM

St. Patrick’s Potluck and Party @ Darcie’s. Please bring a St. Patrick’s themed dish to share. Fun and games and a short devotional have been planned. We are planning this as a great way to get together with friends and enjoy each others’ company and food. For more information and/or directions, please call Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677.

Saturday, April 1 @ 5:30PM

Mystery Dinner at Dan and Laurel’s. This is not a Murder Mystery Dinner but another kind of Mystery Dinner, one where you need a good sense of humor!! This is also a chance to get together and have a time of great fun. We will be providing the food, fun and fellowship. The cost is $10.00 per person and reservations must be made. Please call Laurel @ 545-4852(605)545-4852 no later than March 28th to let her know you will be coming. She can also give you more information and/or directions. What a wonderful way to celebrate April Fools’ Day together!!

Saturday, April 8 @ 6:00PM

Potluck, Bible Study and Prayer Dedication for Jeff as he prepares to leave for his Gideon trip to Liberia, Africa. Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City is the place where we will be meeting. The Bible Study will be led by Pastor Daniel Fiester from Bible Fellowship Church. After the Bible Study, we would like to spend time praying for Jeff especially since this may be his last Gideon trip to Liberia, Africa. Please bring a dish to share, your Bibles, a friend or two, and a willingness to pray together as well. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Supporting each other is important in the body of Christ.

Saturday, May 6 @ 6:00PM

Potluck and Bible Study at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Kris Swiatacho will be sharing from her experiences about living single in an every day world. Kris has 25 years experience teaching, mentoring, and presenting to and about singles’ ministries. Her heart is reaching and growing singles to reach and grow others in Christ. For more information about Kris, feel free to visit her website listed here: http://www.thesinglesnetwork.org/kris--the-us-team.html. Please bring a dish to share, your Bibles and your friends to enjoy an evening with Kris. For more information and/or directions, please contact Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677.

Saturday, May 20 @ 6:00PM

Potluck and report from Jeff on his Gideon trip to Liberia, Africa. We will be meeting in the community room at Sandstone Ridge, 3600 Sheridan Lake Road, Rapid City, the same venue as our Christmas Banquet last December. Jeff will have returned from his trip and ready to share all the wonderful things God did through Jeff and the Gideons. Please bring a dish to share, and a friend or two. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460.

Saturday, June 10 @ 12:30PM

Hike (weather permitting) in the northern Black Hills and Guadalajara's for supper!!. Meet at 12:30pm at Knecht’s in Rapid City to car pool to Spearfish Canyon, Iron Creek Trailhead. We will be hiking from there to Iron Creek Lake. This is a moderate, approximately 5 mile hike. Please bring water, sunscreen, jacket, bug spray, etc… for your safety along with $5.00 for gas and money for Guadalajara's and a friend or two!! The plan is to hike and then meet at 6:00pm for supper at Guadalajara's in Spearfish. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. What a great place we live in!! Let’s enjoy it together!

Saturday, June 24 @ 6:00PM

Potluck picnic and Bible Study @ Robyn’s back yard. For a change of venue, Robyn has offered the use of her backyard for a potluck and Bible Study. Please bring a dish to share, lawn chair, jacket, bug spray, Bibles, and a friend or two and meet for a time of food, fellowship and study. Darcie and Jackie will be leading the Bible Study so it should be good! For more information and/or directions, please call Robyn @ 342-0613(605)342-0613. What a neat change of pace!!

Friday, July14—Sunday, July 16

Hills Alive!! Hills Alive is a FREE Christian concert located in Memorial Park, Rapid City. This is open to the public and will be featuring a variety of Christian artists for the weekend. Starting with an “unplugged” concert at Main Street Square Friday evening, and culminating in a concert in Memorial Park Sunday night, this is a great time to get together for worship, fun and fellowship. Look for the yellow SNA banner or text Darcie or others in SNA for the location of the group. What a great time of praising the Lord!! For more information and a line up of artists, please check out www.hillsalive.com.

Friday, July 28 @ 7:00PM

Popcorn and a Movie!! Meet at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City, for a Louie Giglio movie “Indescribable” accompanied by all the popcorn you can eat!! After the movie, weather permitting, we hope to be going to a local observatory to view the stars! Note the change of day. We are meeting on Friday to accommodate the observatory. More details to follow. For more information and/or directions, please contact Kaye @ 858-5724(605)858-5724. Join us to star gaze!

Saturday, August 19 @ 6:00PM

Potluck and Bible Study at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Bible Study will be lead by Lila and Becky and will be addressing an issue close to our hearts. Please bring a dish to share, your Bibles and a friend or two for an evening of food, fellowship, discussion, with a bit of fun thrown in. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Join us, please.

Saturday, August 26 @ 6:00PM

Picnic and fun at Darcie’s. Join us for a very enjoyable time of food, fun, games, and fellowship at Darcie’s. The theme this year is “A Patriotic Fair!” Come dressed in red, white and blue. Prizes will be given for the most patriotic costume. Brats, hotdogs, chicken, and corn on the cob will be provided for a small fee of $5.00 each. Please bring salads or desserts to accompany the main entre. Fair games and some fun competition is being planned along with a short devotional. Please invite your friends and come for a good time. For more information and/or directions, please contact Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677. Come partake of a pleasant patriotic picnic!!

Saturday, September 9 @ 6:00PM

Potluck and Bible Study at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. This will be the third section of the book and Bible study “Jesus, Single Like Me” by Kris Swiatocho. Becky Anderson will be leading the study. Please bring a dish to share, your Bibles, a friend or two and join us for a time of food, study and fellowship. For more information and/or directions, please call Becky Anderson @ (605)716-4969(605)716-4969. Come and share.

Saturday, September 23 @ 1:00PM

Meet at Knecht’s parking lot in Rapid City to car pool to the centennial trail off Vanocker Canyon for a wonderful hike… weather permitting! For those of you who wish to meet closer to the trailhead, you may meet up with those who are car pooling from Rapid City at the Mobil station at the entrance to Vanocker Canyon right off the interstate at Sturgis @ approximately 1:45pm. If you wish to meet at the trailhead, call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460 for those directions. We will be meeting at 6:00pm for supper in Whitewood at the Hideaway Diner. They have prime rib on Saturday evenings and great steak tips along with other options. Hideaway Diner is located just off the interstate in Whitewood, or at 1309 Laurel St., Whitewood. Again, you may call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460 for more information and/or directions. In the case of inclement weather, we will just meet at 6:00pm in Whitewood for eating out.

Saturday, October 14 @ 6:00PM

Potluck and Bible Study with Mitch Hildebrant @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Mitch has quite a testimony to share about his time as a missionary in Africa., and about his walk with the Lord. Please come and bring a dish to share, your Bibles, and a friend or two. For more information and/or directions, please call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Come and be encouraged.

Saturday, October 28 @ 5:00PM

Meet at Flying J Truck Stop, Exit 61 off Interstate 90, Rapid City, to car pool for a hayride and potluck supper at Rainbow Bible Ranch north of Rapid City. We will be doing the hayride at 6:00pm and the meal at 7:00pm. Rainbow Bible Ranch is located at 14676 Lone Tree Rd., Sturgis, for those who do not wish to car pool. Please bring a dish to share, $3.00 per person to donate to Rainbow Bible Ranch, and a friend or two. The dish may be cold or hot since they have a great kitchen area to keep the food while we do the hayride. What a fun way to celebrate the coming of Fall!! For more information and/or directions, please call Jackie @ (605)391-6407(605)391-6407. Larry Reinhold will be sharing devotions with us as well.

Saturday, November 4 @ 6:00PM

Potluck and Bible/Book Study at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Please bring a dish to share, your Bibles, a friend or two and a desire to grow in your relationship with God and with others. The fourth section of Kris Swiatocho’s study book “Jesus, Single Like Me” will be discussed. Please join us. For more information and/or directions, please call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460.

Saturday, November 18 @ 6:00PM

Thanksgiving Party/Meal at Darcie’s. Join us for the annual Thanksgiving meal and party at Darcie’s. Once again, SNA leadership will provide turkey, potatoes, and dressing. Please bring a dish to share to accompany the main entre. A guest speaker will share thoughts on giving thanks. Please come prepared to be thankful, have fun, and enjoy. For more information and/or directions, please call Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677.

Saturday, December 9 @ 5:30PM

Christmas Banquet @ Camp Judson, 12965 Old Hill City Road, Keystone, SD starting with a meet and greet, punch, and photo booth at 5:30-6:00pm. Ham will be served for the evening meal with all the fixings. Dale Bartscher will be our guest speaker and Becky will be leading us in singing Christmas carols! This semi-formal event is only $20.00 per person but your reservations MUST be in to Laurel @ 545-4852(605)545-4852 NO LATER than November 27th. Please bring new children’s socks, underwear and/or small gift wrapped or unwrapped to be distributed where needed on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Car pooling is available with Craig coordinating meeting at the Mt. Rushmore Rd. Safeway parking lot NO LATER than 4:30pm and leaving NO LATER than 4:45pm. Call Craig @ 348-2258(605)348-2258 regarding car pooling or Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460 for more information and/or directions. Please join us to celebrate Christmas together.

Saturday, December 16 @ 5:00PM

Christmas caroling. We will be blessing two different health care facilities this year to visit and share Christmas carols with the residents. Meet at Meadowbrook Health Care at 2500 Arrowhead Dr. @ 5:00pm for the first round of singing and visiting. After this one, we will go to Black Hills Health Care at 1620 North 7th St. at 6:00pm for more singing and sharing. This is a great opportunity to share the spirit of Christmas with others. After sharing with these facilities, those who wish will go out to eat at Applebee's on Haines around 7:00pm. Please join us for any, or all, of these opportunities and get in the spirit of Christmas yourself.

Sunday, December 31 @ 7:30PM

New Year’s Eve Party @ Darcie’s. Join us to bring the New Year in together. Please bring snacks and games to share. Jeff will be leading us in devotions. Some other activities may be planned as well. What a fun way to bring in the New Year.

copyright © 2017 Saturday Night Alive Singles