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Saturday, January 8, 2011 - 6:00 pm

Meet @ CLM for a wonderful Soup Supper provided by SNA leadership and a discussion on an interesting Hot Topic. This study is addressing "Being Money Smart". Everyone can use some helpful tips on managing money, especially in these difficult economic times. Donations will be accepted to help pay for the Soup Supper.

SATURDAY, January 15 - 7:00 pm

Games, Games, and More Games! Fun, Fun and More Fun! You are invited to enjoy games at Bob Maples' place in Rapid City, 222 East Nevada Drive. Bob is inviting us to his house for table games, ping-pong, pool, foosball, board games and more. Call 605-341-5364 or 605-209-6677 for more information. Bring snacks to share.

SATURDAY, January 22 - 6:00 pm

Meet @ CLM for a Potluck, then @ 7:00 pm, another Hot Topic addressing "How to Handle Stress". Only those who experience stress in their lives are invited to attend. Bring food to share and a willingness to listen and join the discussion.

SATURDAY, February 5 - 7:00 pm

Coffee House at Alternative Fuel Coffee House with Ken Verheecke, musican, song writter, singer. Come enjoy wonderful music and the opportunity to visit with other singles. Alternative Fuel is located at 620 Main Street, RC. Cover charge is $2.00. An offering will be taken to help pay for the cost of the entertainment. Beverages and refreshments may be purchased at the Coffee House. For more information call 605-484-1460.

SATURDAY, February 12 - 6:00 pm

Supper provided by SNA leadership. Then @ 7:00 pm, the Hot Topic for this session is "Addressing the Differences Between Men and Women." (It could take longer than an hour!) Donations will be accepted to help defray the cost of the supper.

MONDAY, February 14 - 5:30 pm

Valentines' Party. Saturday Night Alive is hosting a special Single's Valentine Dinner on Monday evening, February 14th. You are invited for a delicious dinner at the Beanery, 201 Main Street. The evening will feature the talented, musical Potter Family Singers. Select between a roast beef dinner or a chicken breast dinner for $25 per person. Reserve your spot before February 4th by calling Robyn @ 342-0613. Come and enjoy a great meal and a fun evening with friends. The evening activities begin at 5:30. You are invited to help create a fun evening through a 50's and 60's dress attire. Hope to see you there.

FRIDAY and SATURDAY, February 18-19

Community Service Opportunity at Youth and Family Services, 120 E. Adams St., Rapid City, SD. Call Darcie @ 605-209-6677 for more information. Commitment is needed from 5:00 - 10:00 pm on one or both evenings.

SATURDAY, February 26 - 6:00 pm

Meet at CLM for a great evening of discussion and fellowship beginning with a potluck. The Hot Topic under discussion this session is "Dealing With Loss and Disappointment". Bring food to share and a willingness to learn and discuss.

Friday and Saturday, March 11-12

Special guest presenter will be Dennis Franck, a national trainer on leadership and single adult and young adult ministries. He will provide exciting and challenging talks on leadership on Friday night, March 11 and Saturday evening March 12. Dennis will also provide a Saturday day-long training on ministering to young adults and single adults. He will provide national up-to-date information, facilitate discussions and fost small group interaction to help cast vision and strategic planning for our comminites. You are invited to actively participate in this training. We welcome all who are interested in young adult and single adult ministres.

Friday and Saturday, March 11-12

Special guest presenter will be Dennis Franck, a national trainer on leadership and single adult and young adult ministries. He will provide exciting and challenging talks on leadership on Friday night, March 11 and Saturday evening March 12. Dennis will also provide a Saturday day-long training on ministering to young adults and single adults. He will provide national up-to-date information, facilitate discussions and fost small group interaction to help cast vision and strategic planning for our comminites. You are invited to actively participate in this training. We welcome all who are interested in young adult and single adult ministres.

SATURDAY, March 12 - 6:00 pm

Supper provided @ CLM by SNA leadership, 7:00 pm continuing the discussion and fellowship relating to "Becoming the Leader You've Always Wanted to Be". Dennis Franck will be leading the discussion. He is the national director of singles' ministry for the Assemblies of God Church. Donations will be accepted to help pay for the supper.

Sunday, March 13 - 12:00 pm

Saturday Night Alive invites you to join us for brunch on Sunday, March 13 at the Elks, 3333 Jolly Lane, Their outstanding buffet, build your own omelet and much more all for $12.00.

SATURDAY, March 19 - 4:45 pm

Meet at Knecht Lumber Company parking lot to car pool to Spearfish. We have been invited to join the Black Hills Singles' group for a Coffee House, 6-9:30 pm @ Four Seasons Coffee House in Spearfish. Across Walmart parking lot at the small strip mall. Cost is $2. Food and beverage extra. Come hear a Christian band and socialize together.

SATURDAY, March 26 - 6:00 pm

Meet @ CLM for a potluck supper and discussion to follow addressing the Hot Topic of "Establishing Boundaries in Relating and Dating". Bring food to share and a desire to learn and discuss. Dick and Linda McConnell will provide a fresh look at how men and women can better communicate and understand one another through an insightful look at the difference between men and women.
Saturday Night Alive invites you to hear and participate in an engaging presentation on understanding the differences between men and women. Dick and Linda McConnell have presented at numerous relationship seminars. They have a passion for helping people to better understand the uniqueness between the sexes. Come for informative evening, be prepared to laugh, stretch and grow in gaining insights toward being a better communicator with the opposite sex.

Saturday, April 9th, 5:45 PM

Meet at Mt. Rushmore Rd. Safeway, Rapid City to car pool to The Little White Church in Hill City for a "Jews for Jesus" event. The event begins @ 7:00 PM. "Jews for Jesus" will be presenting a very interesting program. For more information call 605-209-6677.

Saturday, April 16th, 5:00 PM

Meet at Robbisndale Lanes, 805 E. St. Patrick St., Rapid City for Bowling. Meal in the restaurant @ 5:00 PM with bowling following @ 6:00 PM. Cost is $2.75 per person per game and includes shoe rental. Contact number is 605-342-0613 to get more information.

Saturday, April 23rd, 6:30 PM

"Voice of the Martyrs" missionaries will be sharing their stories at Calvary Temple Assembly of God church , W Hwy. 14, in Spearfish. If interested in car pooling, or for more information, call 605-348-2258.

Sunday, April 24th, Easter Sunday, 6:30 AM

Meet at Mt. Rushmore Rd. Safeway to car pool to Mount Rushmore for an Easter Sunrise service. Begins at 7:00 am-8:00 am. For more information or to car pool, call 605-348-2258.

Sunday, May 29th, 12:45 PM

Saturday Night Alive announces a hike for this weekend. Shelley is organizing a hike for Sunday, May 29 at Steamboat Rock. Meet Shelly at South Canyon Baptist Church parking lot at 12:45. Bring your sack lunch and water. Once at the Steamboat Rock picnic area the group will enjoy lunch together, after lunch the hike will begin. If the weather is bad, people are invited to bring a picnic lunch and gather at Shelley's for lunch and games. Shelley's number is : (605)389-2327.

Friday-Sunday, June 3rd - 5th

MEN ONLY fishing weekend to Pierre, SD. CANCELLED DUE TO FLOODING

Saturday, June 18th - 8:00am

BIKE TRIP, Meet @ South Canyon Baptist Church, 3333 West Chicago St., Rapid City, with $2.00 for Mickelson Trail fee, water, lunch, rain gear, bicycle, and money for gas. A trailer will be available to transport bicycles.

Friday-Monday, July 1st thru 4th

Camping Trip to Jackson Hole, WY. This is organized by friends of Saturday Night Alive. For more information, call Craig @ (605)348-2258. Reservations and deposits need to be in by June 24th. Horseback riding, river float, white water rafting, etc. available.

Sunday, July 10th

Hike Box Elder Creek. This hike will be lead by Shelley. Meet @ 12:45pm with lunch and hiking gear @ South Canyon Baptist Church parking lot, 3333 West Chicago St., Rapid City. Call Shelley @ (605) 389-2327 for more information.

Saturday-Sunday, July 16th - 17th

Hills Alive. Please join us @ Memorial Park in Rapid City, near the Civic Center, for an enjoyable couple of afternoons and evenings for great Christian music concerts. FREE ADMISSION!! Look for the yellow flag or SNA sign.

Saturday, July 23rd - 7:00pm

Book/Bible Study @ Robyn's. Come and delve into the book "When the Pieces Don't Fit...". This is a great book about intimacy with God through prayer and obedience. Lila and Kaye are leading the study. Call Robyn @ (605)342-0613 for directions and Lila @ (605)484-1460 for more information about the study.

Saturday, July 30th - 5:00pm

Pirates' Cove mini-golf. Meet @ Pirates' Cove, 1500 N. Lacrosse St., Rapid City, and enjoy an evening of mini-golf and fellowship. Cost is:$8.00 per adult for the mini-golf, unless you have a coupon. After the game, we will go to a restaurant, to be determined, for supper.

Friday, August 5th - 6:30pm

Movie in the Park. There will be a free movie and hot dogs served in Memorial Park, Rapid City. The movie "Flywheel" will be shown at dusk. Bring your own lawn chair and/or blanket. This is a community event hosted and organized by JD Productions.

Saturday, August 6th - 1:00pm

Hike Buzzard's Roost trail located 4 miles west of Rapid City off Highway 44. First parking area on the left after the Black Hills National Forest sign. Intermediate type of trail. Bring plenty of water. Contact Jeff Miller if interested @ (605)721-7898.

Saturday, August 13th - 6:00pm

Pitch Fork Fondue @ Darcie's. Bring your own meat to fondue or grill, salads or desserts to pass. Corn on the cob will be supplied. Call Darcie @ (605)209-6677 for information and directions.

Saturday, August 20th - 9 am thru 3 pm

Convoy of Hope at Memorial Park. SNA volunteers are needed to help with registration from 9:00-3:00

Saturday, August 20th - 6:30pm

Book/Bible Study @ Robyn's. Continuing the discussion of the book, "When the Pieces Don't Fit..". Call Robyn @ (605)342-0613 for directions. This book delves into the topic of drawing closer to God. Lila and Kaye will be leading the discussion.

Friday-Sunday, August 26th - 28th

End of the summer Camping @ Boxelder Forks Campground located behind Nemo Country Store, Nemo, SD. Reservations need to be in to Robyn no later than August 20th so she can secure the tent sites needed. Tent sites with vault toilets only available. Call Robyn @ (605)342-0613 for more information as well as to reserve your spot.

Friday, Sept. 9th - 5:30 pm

Free hot dogs and a movie presented @ Memorial Park, Rapid City. This is a family friendly event sponsored by JD Productions. The movie is "Letters to God". (This is a friends of SNA event.) Come and enjoy the food and fellowship.

Saturday, Sept. 10th - 2:00 pm

Hike Bear Butte located north of Sturgis. Car pooling is be available: Meet at South Canyon Baptist Church, 3333 West Chicago St., Rapid City, no later than 1:00 pm. This hike is up hill but not real long. Bring money to help pay for gas. After the hike, we have been invited to a cook-out and campfire sing-a-long in Spearfish. Shish kabobs are on the menu. Please bring something for the kabobs, too. For more information, call Vicki @ (605)569-0355.

Saturday, Sept. 17th - 5:00 pm

Picnic @ Canyon Lake Park, Rapid City. Bring meat to grill and a dish to share. Food, fellowship and outdoor games. Look for the yellow banner. For more information call Robyn @ (605)342-0613.

Saturday, Sept. 24th, - 2:00 pm

Drive through Spearfish Canyon. Hike and Supper. Car pooling available no later than noon from South Canyon Baptist Church, 3333 West Chicago St., Rapid City. After the drive through the canyon, a couple of different hikes are available from Savoy, and Cheyenne Crossing is the destination for supper. Call Vicki @ (605)569-0355 or Robyn @ (605)342-0613, for more information. Bring money for gas and supper.

Friday, Sept. 30th-Sunday, Oct. 2 - 5:30 pm

Singles Get-Away Weekend @ Camp Judson. Fun activities, forums, talent show, great food and fellowship will be provided. See pages 1, 4 & 5 in the September newsletter for more information.

Saturday, October 8th - 2:00 pm

Hike and hot dogs @ Keith Rudy's. Car pooling available @ Story Book Island parking lot off Sheridan Lake Road. Meet no later than 2:00 pm. After the 2 mile hike we will have hot dogs at Keith's. Bring food to share for potluck. For more information, call Keith @ (605)593-6343.

Saturday, Oct. 15th - 5:30 pm

Pizza and a movie. Meet at Bible Fellowship Church, 1212 E. Fairmont Blvd., Rapid City, to car pool to Hermosa for Pizza and a movie at the Pizza Parlor. For more information, contact Robyn @ (605)342-0613. This is the BEST PIZZA in the Hills!!

Saturday, Oct. 22nd - 7:00 pm

Book/Bible Study. Section III of the book "When the Pieces Don't Fit". Meet @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. If you haven't had a chance to attend Sections I and II, summaries will be available so you can catch up. This is a great study covering faith and obedience. Call Lila @ (605)484-1460 for more information.

Sunday, Oct. 23rd - 3:00 PM

Hike the beautiful Springbrook Wilderness Area with Saturday Night Alive Christian singles followed by a fire pit weenie roast supper. You may bring side dish or dessert if you'd like. Hike is two-miles and is moderately difficult. Meet at 4517 Horsecreek Road. Questions call Keith 593-6343

Friday, Nov. 4th @ 6:30 pm

Danen Kane in concert @ Bible Fellowship Church, 1212 Fairmont St. Rapid City. This is a friends of SNA event. Call Darcie for more information. (605)209-6677

Saturday, Nov. 5th @ 7:00pm - 9:30 pm

Coffee House @ Alternative Fuel Coffee House, 620 Main St., Rapid City. Celebrating family with the family of God. Come for a great evening of fellowship, food, and entertainment. Cover charge is $2.00 per person. Refreshments are extra. Call 484-1460 for more information.

Saturday, Nov. 12th @ 5:30 pm

Potluck meal, the last section of "When the Pieces Don't Fit..." and Shoebox filling. All in one evening @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 North Plaza Dr., Rapid City. This is like a three for one sale!! Please refer to the article on page two for more information about Operation Christmas Child - Shoebox filling. Bring a dish to share, items to fill shoeboxes and your Bible.

Saturday, Nov. 19th @ 5:30 pm

Car pool to Spearfish for a Black Hills Christian Singles Coffee House @ Four Seasons Coffee House, located at the edge of the WalMart parking lot, from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm. Meet at Knecht's Home Center, 320 West Blvd., Rapid City by 5:30 pm to car pool. This will be a talent show, so if you are interested in sharing your talent, or for more information, please call Rita @ (605)210-0402. If you have a talent to share, let Rita know by Nov. 17th. $2.00 cover charge per person. Refreshments are extra.

Saturday, Nov. 26th @ 7:00 pm

"Heaven is For Real" speaker @ the Rapid City Civic Center Fine Arts Theatre. FREE!!! Join us as we hear first hand from the family who wrote the book.

Saturday, Dec. 3rd @ 7:00 pm

Bible Study @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 North Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Meet for great discussion, fellowship and fun.

Saturday, Dec. 10th @ 6:00 pm

Christmas Party. We will be going to Calvary Temple Church, West Highway 14, Spearfish for a great catered meal served by their youth group. A great program will follow the meal. Car pooling will be available from Knecht's parking lot, 320 West Blvd., Rapid City, leaving at 4:45 pm. Tickets are needed. Cost is $18.00 and reservations need to be in to Laurel @ (605)545-4852 or Rita in the northern hills @ (605)210-0402 no later than December 3rd. Checks can be made to SNA. Choice of entree: beef sirloin roast or stuffed baked chicken.

Saturday, Dec. 17th @ 6:15pm

Caroling @ Black Hills Retirement Center, 1620 N. 7th St., Rapid City, with fellowship and food after the caroling at Fuddruckers in Rushmore Mall. Let's bless these people with song and fellowship.

Saturday, Dec. 31st @ 7:00pm

New Year's Eve Party @ Darcie's. Bring snacks to share and games to play. Contact Darcie @ (605)209-6677 for more information and directions.

copyright © 2016 Saturday Night Alive Singles