What EVENTS did I miss?
Saturday, Jan. 16 @ 5:00PM
Miniature golf at Putz N Glo, 23694 Strato Rim Drive, south of Rapid City off Highway 16. Cost is $9.95 per adult. IF we have 15 or more come, cost goes down to $7.95 per person. This is a fun place to play miniature golf in the dark with black lights adding to the atmosphere. After golf, we will meet at 6:30pm at Culver’s on Mount Rushmore Rd. for the evening meal. Or if you wish to just meet for the evening meal, you may just join us at Culver’s. Please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460 for more information and/or directions. Lets have some fun!!
Saturday, Jan. 30th @ 6:30PM
Financial Planning with BMS Financial Advisors, 1508 Mountain View Rd., Rapid City. This is a free financial planning presentation addressing investments, savings, etc… In order to provide handouts, etc.. please RSVP to Becky @ 716-4969(605)716-4969 no later than Thursday, January 28th. Leave a message, please, and if you need directions, she will call you back. What a great way to start the New Year!
Saturday, Feb. 13 @ 5:30PM
Postponed until Feb. 20
Valentine Pizza!! Meet at East Family Fare Parking Lot, 1516 East St. Patrick St., Rapid City, to carpool to Lintz Brothers’ Pizza, 14286 SD-36, Hermosa, SD. If you wish to meet at Lintz Brothers’ we plan to be there by 6:00pm for pizza and fellowship. Lintz Brothers’ has really good pizza so we plan to enjoy the food and the fellowship. And who doesn’t LOVE good pizza?!! (This will be in place of a Valentine’s Party.) For more information and/or directions, please call Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677. Come and have fun!
Saturday, Feb. 27 @ 7:00PM
Kirk Funeral Home pre-planning presentation either at Kirk Funeral Home, 1051 E. Minnesota St., Rapid City, or at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. The venue for this presentation will depend on how many people are interested in attending. Kirk Funeral Home does a great, free, informational presentation on funeral options and pre-planning that could benefit you or someone in your family as well. Please RSVP to Lila no later than Saturday, Feb. 20th, at 484-1460(605)484-1460. Come, learn and be prepared!
Saturday, March 13 @ 6:00PM
St. Patrick’s Day Party/Potluck @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Come join us to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. We will have a green/Irish themed potluck and you are invited to bring some kind of green or Irish food or whatever you wish to share with others. We will be showing a very funny video by Joe DeVito on dating over 40. This will be a great time to get together to enjoy each other and some good food. For more information and/or directions, please contact Sherri @ 521-8933(605)521-8933. Come, bring a friend or two, and LOL!!
Thursday, March 27 @ 7:00PM
Standing Fast and Finishing Well #1 @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. We are asking those who wish to bring your favorite promise or two from the Old Testament to share with others. What a chance to dig into the Word with each other. Come and bring your Bibles and a friend or two and be prepared to learn and discuss. Snacks will be provided. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Come and find out more about standing on His promises.
Saturday, April 10 @ 6:00PM
Bowling at Robbinsdale Lanes, 805 E. St. Patrick Street, Rapid City. Cost is $3.75 per game with $2.00 per shoes. We have reserved three lanes from 6-8pm so come and enjoy!!. It would be great to let them know how many are going to be coming so please RSVP to Robyn @ 342-0613(605)342-0613 no later than Thursday, April 8th. Let’s get together and knock the pins down!!
Saturday, April 24 @ 6:00PM
Potluck and Standing Fast and Finishing Well #2 @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. For our promises discussion this time, please, if you wish, bring your favorite promise from the New Testament. Please bring a dish to share, your Bibles, a friend or two and come prepared to share and learn. For more information and/or directions, please call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Let’s find out more about leaning on His promises.
Saturday, May 8 @ 6:00PM
Cinco de Mayo Party/Potluck at Darcie’s. Please bring a Mexican dish to share (if you wish), and a friend or two. We will have games and devotions. This will be a great time to enjoy food, fellowship and fun with a Mexican flare!! For more information and/or directions, please contact Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677. Buenos tiempos!!
Saturday, May 22 @ 7:00PM
Standing Fast and Finishing Well #3 @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. For our final session in the series “Standing Fast and Finishing Well #3”, we are asking those who wish to bring another favorite promise from either the Old Testament or the New Testament. After discussing the promises God has made to us, we will discuss the promises we are encouraged to make to God. Snacks will be provided. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Come and learn how to stand up for Jesus.
Saturday, June 19 @ 1:00PM
Meet at Canyon Lake Park in the parking lot between the former duck feeding area and the restrooms at 1:00pm. We will car pool from there up to the Mickelson Trail near Rochford. After hiking for several hours, we will then meet at 6:00pm at Moonshine Gulch Saloon in Rochford for supper. You will be responsible for the Mickelson Trail permit which cost $5 per day or $15 per year. You will, also be responsible to help pay for gas for those with whom you ride and for your own supper. If you would like to just meet at 6:00pm for supper, please feel free to do that. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. In case of inclement weather, we will just plan on meeting at the Saloon for supper at 6PM.
Friday—Sunday, July 16-19th
Hills Alive 2021. Contact Darcie at 209-6677(605)209-6677 if you would like to sit with others from SNA.
Saturday, July 30 @ 6:00pm
Low Country Boil at Darcie’s. This is a fun meal and a great opportunity for fun and fellowship. A minimum $5.00 donation is requested to help defray the cost of the food. We will have games and devotions as well. For more information and/or directions, please contact Darcie @ 209-6677(605)209-6677.What a fun way to enjoy the end of July!!
Saturday, August 21st @ 6:00pm
Picnic in Spearfish Park.. We will be meeting to car pool at Knecht’s in Rapid City at 5:oopm. This will be a potluck so please bring picnic food to share, your own lawn chair, jacket and a friend or two. Come prepared to enjoy the outdoors and great food and fellowship. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Yay, summer!!
Saturday, September 18 @ 4:30PM
Keith and Carol Rhudy have volunteered to host a hike and a BBQ at their place at 4517 Horsecreek Rd., Rapid City. Those wishing to hike need to meet at their place at 5:00 PM and will be able to take either a mile loop hike or a quarter mile hike. Then at 6:00 PM we will have grilled hot dogs and burgers. Please bring a dish to accompany the hot dogs/burgers like salad, dessert, chips, etc.., a lawn chair, and a friend or two!! For more infor-mation and/or directions, please contact Keith Rhudy at 593-6343(605)593-6343 or Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Please come and enjoy the outdoors and each other!!
Friday, September 24—Sunday, September 26
Will Graham Celebration in Rapid City, SD at The Monument. For more information please refer to the Sept.-Nov. newsletter. This is a great opportunity to invite and take your friends who do not know Jesus as their personal Savior! Please, as the opposite article states, be in prayer for this Celebration before, during and after!! We won’t be going as a group but try to attend at least one event during the weekend, please!!
Friday and Saturday, October 1 & 2
YFS Denim and Diamonds fund-raiser event at YFS. Contact Darcie for more information about attending or volunteering for this community event. (Not an SNA event!!). Darcie can always use volunteers for this!! Call her at 209-6677(605)209-6677 for more information!!
Saturday, October 9 @ 4:30PM and 6:00 PM
Miniature golf at Pirates’ Cove at 4:30PM and then dinner at Pizza Ranch near Rushmore Crossing at 6:00PM. Those interested in miniature golf at Pirates’ Cove, please meet at Pirates’ Cove by 4:30PM. That address is: 1500 N. Lacrosse, Rapid City. Cost is $9.50 per adult although several of us have a coupon worth a dollar off we will bring. Children are $8.50 per child. Those only wishing to have dinner together, please meet at 6:00 PM at Pizza Ranch, 1556 Luna Ave., near Rushmore Crossing. In case of inclement weather, we will just do the dinner at Pizza Ranch. For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila at 484-1460(605)484-1460. Looking forward to a great time!! Fore!!
Saturday, October 23 @ 6:00PM
Potluck and Bible/Book Study at Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. Our speaker for the evening, Sandra Ogunremi from Monument Health, will be sharing Biblical principles from her book “Casting Down Disruptive Imaginations”, She will have her book available for sale as well. Please bring a dish to share, a friend or two, your Bible and come prepared to learn and grow!! For more information and/or directions, please contact Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460!! Come celebrate our life in Christ!!
Saturday, November 6 @ 6:00PM
Soup, Bread and Dessert and Bible Study @ Christian Life Ministries, 1948 N. Plaza Dr., Rapid City. We will be doing a study on Celebrating Our Life in Christ! Please bring either soup, bread or dessert, your Bibles, a friend or two, and come prepared to enjoy each other and learn. Bob Hayford will be leading our study!! For more information and/or directions, please call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Let’s celebrate Jesus and enjoy each other and the Lord.
Saturday, November 20 @ 6:30PM
Traditional Thanksgiving Meal @ Hills View Evangelical Free Church, 13776 Sturgis Rd., Piedmont, SD, provided by SNA leadership and supplemented by you. Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and dressing will be provided by leadership. Please bring food to accompany the main course, a friend or two, and an attitude of thankfulness! This is a great time to enjoy food, fun and fellowship and concentrate on all for which we are thankful. For more information and/or directions, please contact Laurel @ 545-4852(605)545-4852. Come and be thankful!!
Saturday, December 11 @ 5:30PM
Christmas Traditions with SNA, our Christmas Banquet will be held at Cedar Canyon Camp, 5130 Memorial Rd., Rapid City. Please refer to page two of the newsletter. RSVP by December 1st to Laurel @ (605)545-4852(605)545-4852. Come and celebrate our Savior’s birth!!
Friday, December 31st @ 7:30 PM
New Year’s Eve Party @ Freedom Church, 4813 S. Canyon Road, Rapid City. This is a great time to bring in the New Year with fellowship, food and the Lord. Please bring snacks to share, table games, and a friend or two and help bring in the New Year together!! For more in-formation and/or directions, please call Lila @ 484-1460(605)484-1460. Let’s celebrate!!
copyright © 2021 Saturday Night Alive Singles